Miris, Rutin Pakai Vape Paru-paru Gadis 19 Tahun Ini Rusak

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KONTENISLAM.COM - Penggunaan rokok elektrik atau vape hingga kini masih menjadi perdebatan soal keamanannya, beberapa orang mengatakan, vape aman digunakan bagi paru-paru dan bisa menjadi alternatif pengganti rokok konvensional.

Namun di sisi lain, tak sedikit pula yang menyangkal pendapat tersebut. Beberapa penelitian juga menyebut bahwa vape tak ubahnya seperti rokok konvensional yang membahayakan paru-paru.

Baru-baru ini sebuah postingan gadis berusia 19 tahun soal vape bikin menyayat hati, pasalnya wanita muda yang berasal dari Amerika ini mengatakan paru-parunya rusak akibat menggunakan vape.

Claire Chung tak segan menunjukkan gambar kondisi paru-parunya yang rusak akibat sering menghisap rokok elektrik atau vape. Gadis 19 tahun itu mengaku tak pernah memahami dampak dari pemakaian vape tersebut pada kesehatan organ pernapasannya.

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Please share this post with anyone who uses a juul, vape, e-cig, wax/oil cartridges, etc. For the past 3 weeks, I had a consistent high fever of 104 with no other symptoms whatsoever. From this, we assumed the flu or a cold so after a couple weeks of taking OTC meds with nothing helping, I went to get checked out further. After considerations of malaria, autoimmune disorders, and many many other tests, a chest x-ray showed what they though was slight pneumonia in the lower area of my left lung. After being on two antibiotics for 48 hours, the fevers were still spiking to 104, so I went into the ER on Christmas morning. I was hospitalized and given iv fluids and antibiotics. Between the emergency, infectious disease, and pulmonary departments, they exhausted all tests and options and still nothing was helping. a CT scan of my lungs was ordered and it revealed extremely disturbing results. Healthy lungs on a scan should be black. My 19 year old lungs were completely hazy and white in the scans, entirely covering both lungs. I was taken by ambulance to be admitted into more intensive care. They couldn’t determine whether the scans were showing fluid, blood, bacteria, infection, etc. so they were still unable to actually treat the cause of my symptoms. After conducting many more tests and a bronchoscopy, it was determined that there was no infection and that my lung tissue was just completely destroyed from using juuls and vapes and oil cartridges. Not only is there severe damage in my lungs, but from when I started school to when I graduate, my only break was this month of December. That means if this had happened a couple of weeks earlier or a couple of weeks later, I would not have had access to healthcare and this would never have been caught. In that case, I would most likely be DEAD within the next month. Please take it from personal experience that this is NOT worth it from something as stupid as a nicotine device. The stories that you’re hearing online are REAL. Death was a VERY real possibility, I am still hospitalized on a laundry list of iv drugs and steroids, I may have permanent scarring in my lungs, and it’s all because of juuls and carts.
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"Saya tidak pernah menyangka dampak dari barang yang selalu di sampingku, tapi saya menghargai kalian yang mau meluangkan waktu untuk membaca pengalamanku dan foto ini diambil saat diriku tengah memulihkan kondisi," tulisnya di akun instagram pribadinya.

Lewat foto pertama yang ia unggah menunjukkan dirinya yang terkapar lemas di ranjang rumah sakit, yang diunggah pada 29 Desember lalu. Saat itu terlihat ia sedang memakai selang infus di tangannya.

Ia menuliskan bahwa kondisinya saat itu sedang mengalami demam selama 3 minggu tanpa gejala lain. Sampai akhirnya dokter memutuskan melakukan X-rays di dada. Hasil scannya ia akui membuatnya hancur.

"Paru normal di scan seharusnya berwarna hitam. Di paru-paruku yang masih berusia 19 tahun sudah sangat blur dan banyak corak putih," ujarnya.

Gadis itu menambahkan, dokter awalnya hanya mengira ia terinfeksi penyakit serius seperti pneumonia sebelum akhirnya sadar bahwa vape yang menjadi biang keladinya.

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In regards to my last post.... These are my chest CT scans in comparison to how normal, healthy scans should look. My bronchial tubes are EXTREMELY inflamed beyond belief and all the white haziness (which should be black and clear on a healthy scan) is damaged tissue. When the pulmonologist came to me with the results, he was in complete shock. He genuinely had no reaction other than “wow.” This is a lung specialist who looks at diseased scans everyday for a living telling a NINETEEN year old girl that he’s never seen anything like this before. Because there is no research on juuls/carts/vapes, they could see all this damage but could not treat it. The doctors couldn’t tell whether this was blood, fluid, bacteria, a virus, inflammation, etc. Basically, the treatment for some would kill me if it was another. I could hear the tension and apprehension in every one of my doctors voices of not knowing whether or not they could help me or if I was going to live or die. The scariest part is that even with the extent of the damage, I never once felt any of it. I never experienced any shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, chest pain, or ANY signs respiratory distress or issues. It is truly a SILENT killer. Just because you can’t feel it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. You don’t understand regret until your doctors are staring you in the face telling you they don’t know if they can save your life, knowing in your head that you willingly brought it upon yourself despite countless warnings to stop.
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"Lalu setelah jalani tes lain, hasilnya tidak ada infeksi dan jaringan paruku sudah hancur semua akibat penggunaan juuls, vape dan minyak cartridges," tambahnya.

Tak lama, ia turut mengunggah scan dari kondisi paru-parunya yang sudah tak normal lagi. Gambar itu menunjukkan bahwa fungsi parunya sudah tak bisa bekerja normal lagi.

"Saat dokter paru melihat hasilnya, ia sangat kaget. Dokter mengaku tak pernah melihat hasil paru seperti ini pada seseorang yang berusia 19 tahun," katanya.

"Yang mengerikan dari kondisi ini, aku tidak  mengalami sesak napas, batuk, atau apapun gejalanya. Ini benar-benar pembunuh DIAM-DIAM," tulisnya lagi.

Ia pun mengaku sangat menyesali sikapnya yang ceroboh dengan memakai vape tanpa pikir panjang. Ia juga berharap agar pengalamannya itu bisa menjadi pembelajaran bagi banyak orang.[viva]

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